Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our Future Fashionistas


Dear Fashionistas,
Yesterday I taught third grade at St. Benedict Grade School.  The girls gushed all over my Burberry shoes so I knew we had future Chicago Fashionistas in the class.  Not sure if these girls are "future fashionistas" since describing what they thought fashion was this season was right on target.  So, I think it is fair to say they are fashionistas now.  Zara was one of their favorite stores and bright colors are certainly a fashion statement this season.  It's  nice to know we have fashion icons in the making right here in the city.  Oh and in third grade.  Love it!

Ta Ta,



  1. awwww! my favorite dresses are puffy too! heart meltingly cute!

  2. They start at 1 year old in my family. OY VEY! My niece is all about SPARKLE everything and dresses!! Auntie Sheryl LOVES IT!!!!
